Best Studio Monitors For Your
Home Studio (in 2022)
This guide helps bedroom producers choose the best studio monitors for their home studio at various price points. For a more in-depth analysis, check out our Studio Monitor Buyer's Guide.
Pros: Punchy and deep bass, room tuning functionality, iconic design
Cons: Relatively expensive, not the most balanced sound
Price: $449.98
Pros: Impeccable clarity across the frequency spectrum, sonic accuracy, legendary reputation
Cons: Room treating is highly recommended to make them sound their best
Price: $399.98
Pros: High-quality balanced sound, room tuning functionality, one of the more affordable options
Cons: Less established company/manufacturer
Price: $338.00
Pros: Excellent clarity in the mid-range frequencies, most affordable on this list, room tuning functionality
Cons: Clarity of low and high frequencies not as great as the other options on this list
Price: $249.95
Pros: Less fatiguing on the ears, great clarity in the mid and high frequency ranges, overall still a nice balanced sound
Cons: Relatively expensive, low end lacks clarity
Price: $439.98
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